Saturday 25 August 2018

George Peng's Organic Farm - Love Our Mother Earth

I am passionate about environment and sustainability

I am happy and confident to share my experience how I am practising Zero Food waste in my daily life by :-

1. Composting - compost bin, Tumbling composter 
2. Worm farming- conventional worm farm,home-made worm farms & Tumbling composter
3. Fermenting Food Waste - Bokashi
4. Fermenting Food waste - Enzyme

I am feeding my worms with the best complete nutritious food and probiotic such as Kefir Water, Bokashi, Citrus/Food Enzymes, Sea minerals and give them special Probiotic Worm Treats

My composting worms are the healthiest, happiest and most productive worms you can find in the market.

Both my Organic Water Kefir & Milk Kefir Grains are the happiest and healthiest they live in the best optimal temperature clean environment and are given the best nutritious balanced organic diet.

Milk Kefir is 100% lactose free and contains as many as 10-34 types of good bacteria (compare to only 2-7 in yogurt) that help fight against tumours, bacteria, carcinogens and more. 

Kefir can actually attached to the intestinal walls and colonise to stay and regulate, aggressive in nature and can actually go out and attack bad bacteria in the gut. However Yogurt contains transient bacteria to help clean and line the gut, giving food to the good bacteria, go in and don't stay there.

For those who do not wish to consume dairy products, Water Kefir is an alternative as it is dairy free, lactose free, low in GI. This nutrient and probiotic-packed drink holds the key to helping improve many immune and digestive linked health issues. 

I believe everyone should have the responsibility to love and save our mother Earth

We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors : we borrow it from our children

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